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Elani Nicole Life Coaching

I began my own journey into therapy when my anxiety and eating disorder were beginning to disrupt my life. I was 17 and went to a therapist my parents recommended. It was not a fit! I didn't realize that there are many different types of therapy and therapists and instead determined that therapy must just not be for me. I continued to struggle with panic attacks and my disordered eating patterns until I found the realm of self-development in my early 20’s.

It was through a program called Landmark Development that I had my first shift. I realized that I had a lot of self-defeating beliefs that I was reenforcing daily and that if I changed my beliefs I could start to change my actions. Sounds a bit simplistic and it was, but it helped get me started and kept the panic at bay for a while. I got trained as a coach in Landmark’s methodology but I felt that their mindset focus was incomplete and I wanted a more comprehensive approach. I began studying with a yoga mentor in New York City and was fascinated by the way our psychology mirrored our physiology and vice versa. We were learning about using the alchemy of our physical being to transform the psyche. I would later bring this training into my thesis work for graduate school. It was around this time that I also began working with a spiritual mentor and iridologist and began experimenting with meditation. I began to experience synchronicity and alignment, I didn't quite understand the experience at the time but it was likely what Western psychology has labeled “flow state.”

I then started my own life coaching practice, I created an approach that included mindset work, physical symptomology and guided meditation to help clients tune into their own truth and intuition. This took off and I have had the privilege and honor of working with hundreds of client on all facets of this approach for the past 10 years.

About 4 years into working as a coach, a close family member experienced a mental health crisis that rocked my world. I witnessed the power of the psyche up close and while I had a strong intuitive knowing of how to support this person, when the dust had settled I realized I had a great deal to learn about human psychology. I sought out my own therapist and have been working with him weekly for the past 5 years. It was working with him that I realized I hadn’t found a therapist prior that really worked for me!

It was my therapist that encouraged me to go back to school for my masters. I completed my masters in Counseling Psychology at Pacifica Grauduate Institute in 2021 and added individual, marriage and family therapy to my practice. This program has an emphasis in depth psychology which informs both my counseling and coaching practice. You can read more about depth work on my psychotherapy page. I currently work via phone and tele-health. For more information on becoming a client or to book your complimentary consultation go here.



Masters of Art, Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2021

Life and Business Coach,  Elani Nicole Coaching Services

Pushing Progress Contemporary Dance, Director of  Personal and Professional Development

lululemon athletica, Regional Trainer for New York City, Community Development Manager

Landmark Worldwide, Coach with the Self Expression and Leadership Program